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How can we help you?

Home Owners

My home needs repairs or adaptations but I can't afford to do them  

If you are struggling to pay for repairs in your property you may be entitled to Home Repair Assistance. This is a grant for homeowners on certain means-tested benefits who have serious hazards in their homes but are unable to afford to repair the problem themselves. This service is undertaken by Millbrook Health.

If you have difficulty accessing your home you may be eligible for a Disabled Facility Grant (DFG). This is a grant to enable applicants to have access to and around their homes, or to use essential facilities in the home to enable them to live independently. Please contact your Occupational Therapist or Millbrook Health for further information. 

The Council also offers energy efficiency grants periodically. These help homeowners and landlords install measures such as insulation or renewables providing, they are eligible.

I can no longer afford to keep my home

If you are having difficulty paying your mortgage, there are lots of options that you may want to consider and there is a lot of help out there. Paying your mortgage should be your top financial priority as your home is at risk of being repossessed should you fail to do so. For further information go to our Mortgage Arrears Page.

Relationship breakdown

If you are currently going through a relationship breakdown, then it is important that you understand your housing rights. If your name is on the mortgage then you will have rights to remain at the property, but even if your name is not on the mortgage then this does not automatically mean you do not have rights to the property. Please do not leave the accommodation without receiving advice about your rights to the property. For further advice please see the Shelter leaflet and website. If you require legal advice, please contact Citizen’s Advice.

Domestic abuse and harassment

If you are experiencing domestic violence or abuse the Housing & Welfare Options Team can help, find you emergency accommodation and provide specific help and support, working with specialist services to ensure you receive the most appropriate support as quickly as possible.

  • Housing & Welfare Options Team - 01905 722589
  • Out of Hours – Outside of our working hours, you can get assistance information on 01905 722233 if your call is an emergency.
  • In an emergency situation phone 999 and ask for the Police.

I own my own home but can I still apply for a council/housing association property?

Households who have assets, equity, savings, or capital of over £60,000 and are assessed as able to compete in the private market will not be eligible to join Housing for You, the social housing bidding system.

However, if a household is in receipt of a pension or fixed income where they are unable to obtain a mortgage, they would be allowed equity, savings, or capital of up to £95,000. The savings etc. of all adult members of the household should be taken into account.

If the equity in your property is less than the amounts stated above, then you would be able to apply to Housing for You. Please visit Housing Register website for details of the Allocations Policy and how to apply.

Emergency (including flooding and fires)

If your property has been damaged due to an emergency situation such as a flood or fire and the property is not safe to return to, you should first try and source accommodation with family or friends and contact your insurance company. If you are unable to source accommodation through family or friends and find yourself homeless then you should call the Housing Advice Team who will be able to advise you accordingly.

If you require further advice about flooding please visit our Flooding Page.

I have pests or are facing nuisances at my property

Worcestershire Regulatory Services are responsible for pest and gull control across the County along with nuisance complaints. Nuisances can include noise, bonfires, smoke, accumulations and rubbish, light, dust and odour, or insects and flies.