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Mayor presents prizes to first winners of Worcester Community Lottery

Published: 30 May 2019

 The Mayor of Worcester has presented prizes to winners of the new Worcester Community Lottery.

Launched last month, Worcester Community Lottery gives players the chance to sign up at for entry into a weekly draw and to choose which local causes they want to benefit from their subscription.

The city's first citizen, Councillor Allah Ditta, invited two of the new lottery's biggest winners – both Worcester residents – to the Guildhall to present them with their prizes.

Audrius Basiulis won £250, the largest prize so far to be given out by the new lottery. Players have the chance to win up to £25,000 in the draws.

Meanwhile, Rosemary Goddard scooped a 32GB iPad – a special prize in the very first Worcester Community Lottery draw at the end of April.

The Mayor said: "It's good to see city residents and local good causes really getting involved in the new Worcester Community Lottery. More than 110 local people have already won prizes in the first five draws and so far £3,600 has been raised for 56 good causes.

"I hope more players come on board so that even more cash can be raised for our city's good causes and the residents they support."

The two winners were very excited to receive their prizes from the Mayor.

Audrius Basiulis said: "It's amazing – I really didn't expect to win! I think it's a really good thing to support local good causes through the Worcester Community Lottery and you can win prizes too!"

Rosemary Goddard said: "I think this lottery is good idea and it's excellent to be able to choose your charity when you play. I've always supported the Swan Theatre so my lottery ticket goes towards Worcester Live, which runs the theatre."

Good causes that have already benefited from the Worcester Community Lottery include youth clubs, sports clubs, arts organisations and medical charities. Local good causes can still sign up to benefit by heading to

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