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Free listing on new website is a great opportunity for local organisations

Published: 04 June 2019

 Organisations are being encouraged to sign up their a free listing on Worcester City Council's new website, Find It Do It, which launches at the end of June. As the name suggests, the site aims to be the go-to resource for residents looking for local places and activities in Worcester. Listing is free and will allow organisations to be discovered by users across the city when it goes live. Designed to complement events and tourism websites like, Find It Do It will include a comprehensive list of local societies and groups, support and advice, businesses, classes and clubs, plus venues that can be hired for events and functions. Listings from all kinds of organisations are welcome, from the arts to advice and support groups. There will also be a Healthy Lifestyle section which will include a range of resources to encourage positive health and well-being of residents. Councillor Lynn Denham, Vice Chair of Worcester City Council's Communities Committee says: "Worcester has a wealth of fantastic societies, clubs, groups, businesses and venues that will benefit from being promoted on this tailored online platform. The Find It Do It website is a chance for all these organisations to reach out to a wider audience and connect more people with what Worcester has to offer." Listing your organisation or venue on Find It Do It is free, and registration is open now. Simply request a registration form by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The site becomes live for users at the end of June.0 Comments

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