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Planning Policy

The planning system in England is structured around a plan-led system aimed at managing development whilst balancing economic development and environmental quality.  The Development Plan is the key tool for the successful implementation of these aims at the local level and comprises a portfolio of documents.

The Planning Policy team is responsible for preparing plans covering what can be built and where; creating policies protecting the built and natural environment and the delivery of good design; implementing the Local Development Scheme; ensuring economic competitiveness, and monitoring the efficiency of the plans and policy in effect. Worcester City has worked with Malvern Hills and Wychavon District Councils to prepare a joint Local Plan covering the three Local Authority areas. 

The South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) came into effect on 25 February 2016. A review of the SWDP is currently in progress, which will update the plan period to cover 2021 to 2041.

The following links will provide more information on the various aspects of the Planning Policy team's work:

Contact the Planning Policy Team

Postal address: Worcester City Council, Planning Policy, The Guildhall, High Street, Worcester, WR1 2EY.
Tel: 01905 722233
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.