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Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)

Do not ignore PCNs. They may carry extra penalties if not paid (or contested) promptly. In order to qualify for a discount, payment must be received by the local council within 14 days.

The level of penalty for infringements will be £70 for the higher band, and £50 for the lower band. If you pay within 14 days the charge will be discounted by 50%, making the charge £35 or £25 respectively.

How do I pay for my PCN?

Payments by Credit or Debit Card

Make an online payment

Alternatively you can make a card payment by phone.

Telephone: 0330 088 0680

Please have the PCN details available when calling.

In Person

You can pay your PCN in person at PayPoint shops or Post Office - Find your nearest PayPoint shop here

Please bring the PCN with you.

How do I appeal against my PCN ?

If you feel that you have mitigating circumstances that you want considered regarding the issue of the Penalty Charge Notice, you can make an online appeal.

Make an online appeal

Alternatively you can appeal by writing to:

Parking & Enforcement Services
Worcester City Council
The Guildhall,
High Street,

More information can be found at 

Penalty Charge Notices FAQs

Can the matter be sorted over the phone if I disagree with the PCN?
No. You must write in or appeal online with your reason why you disagree.

I have received a PCN but I had purchased a valid ticket from the machine?
If your ticket was displayed correctly, write in enclosing a photocopy of your ticket. If your ticket was found to be not clearly displayed the contravention did occur and the PCN will remain.

I thought I was allowed to park for a few minutes in order to load / unload?
Please write in supplying any evidence such as an invoice or a delivery note. Items should be difficult to carry easily over a protracted distance.

If I challenge a PCN, can I still pay at the discounted rate?
Should you write in within 14 days of the issue of the PCN and we reject your challenge, a further 14 days will be given to you at the discounted rate.

I received a PCN and wrote to you but my challenge was rejected and I want to know what happens now?
A Notice to Owner (NTO) will be issued to the registered keeper of the vehicle, as provided by the DVLA. The NTO contains details on making a formal representation and on what grounds.

I am in receipt of an NtO but have never owned the vehicle?
You must make a formal representation on the form and submit written evidence of why you do not own the vehicle. You must provide written evidence from the DVLA.

You have sent me a letter but the person does not live here?
The DVLA notify us in regards to the address of where the letter gets sent. If you return the letter, please write on it ‘not known at this address'. If the enforcement agents are called upon, they will attempt to locate the vehicle owner. Please note the debt will not be registered against your property.

I have paid the PCN but have received a letter asking for payment?
Please supply us with evidence such as a copy of the bank statement. Please inform us when you paid so that we can check our records.

I have received a court order but wish to dispute the PCN?
It is too late to appeal now. Read the court documentation.

The enforcement agents have been in contact. Can I dispute the PCN?
No. You can apply to the Traffic Enforcement Centre (TEC) to file a statement. The TEC can be contacted on 01604 619450. Neither ourselves, nor the enforcement agents will cease action until the TEC has received your application and informed us.

The enforcement agents have sent me a letter, but I wish to pay/complain?
Please visit