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Worcester Show is best attended ever

Published: 19 August 2021

This year's Worcester Show (held at Pitchcroft on Sunday 15 August) attracted an estimated 15 – 20,000 visitors– exceeding the highest estimate of 13,000 at previous Shows.

This year the event moved from Gheluvelt Park to Pitchcroft Racecourse – allowing more space between over 100 stalls, performers, volunteers and visitors.

Many stalls sold Worcestershire produce and wares - or promoted local community groups.

An incredible line up of artists created an electrifying atmosphere, which carried across the entire venue. Highlights were Worcestershire resident and Dodgy front man Nigel Clark, delighting the crowds with his acoustic guitar; The Stiff Joints proved a real hit and received a great reception; and community choir Got2sing surprised crowds with several flash mob performances.

The Show celebrated the creativity of local people, with over 650 floral and craft entries received. The number of entries from schools doubled, with prizes for young people offered by Pershore College.

"It's been fantastic to see a record number of people enjoying this year's Worcester Show, helping to bring the community back together again," said Cllr James Stanley, Chair of Worcester City Council's Communities Committee.

"I'd particularly like to thank the large number of volunteers, local businesses, groups and clubs who stepped forward to help. They were all determined that this year, the Show would go on." 

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