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Worcester celebrates army of volunteers – and recruits even more

Published: 13 June 2019

The amazing contribution made by people who give up their time to help make Worcester a better place was celebrated during National Volunteers Week (1 – 7 June 2019).

Over 140 local volunteers attended a mayoral reception at The Commandery on Tuesday 4 June – and 360 people attended a Volunteer Expo at The Guildhall on Friday 7 June, meeting representatives from around 40 local charities and organisations which were looking to attract more volunteers.

Speaking at The Commandery reception, Cllr Allah Ditta, Mayor of Worcester said:"Some volunteers help to make our city beautiful, green and inviting.Many help to improve the quality of life for some of Worcester's most vulnerable residents.And others help to bring communities together by helping out at a whole host of exciting events.

"Many volunteers I've met are extremely modest about their achievements, and they often have a tendency to shy away from the limelight.However, I think it's high time we shouted about the enormous difference they are making to our city and the people who live here.I'd like to thank every single volunteer in Worcester for giving of your time so generously."

Worcester City Council has recorded 19,449 hours of volunteers' time between April 2018 and March 2019 to help spruce up Worcester's parks and spaces alone - operating allotment sites, organising community events and undertaking conservation work.

However, this figure is believed to be the tip of the iceberg, and doesn't reflect the multitude of hours volunteers give in other areas such as caring, mentoring, drama and dance, sport, heritage and helping young people.

Representatives from over 25 community groups and organisations attended the thank you event, including the Worcester Show, Worcester Music Festival, Repair Café Worcester, Pitchcroft Park Run and Friends groups for a number or parks and residents associations.

Special tribute was paid to local resident Allen Barnatt, who stepped down in April as Chair of the Friends of Gheluvelt Park, after 15 years in the role.

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