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Views sought on update to gambling policy

Published: 02 August 2024
A person playing a gambling machine

Worcester City Council is inviting views on its updated gambling policy. It is required to publish a Statement of Principles every three years to comply with the Gambling Act.

Once the consultation is completed, the revised statement will be implemented between 2025 and 2028.

As licencing authority, the City Council is responsible for considering whether to permit gambling activities including machines, prize gaming, betting at racing tracks, and small lotteries.

The Council, through the Worcestershire Regulatory Service, can approve or reject applications for gambling activity. If objections are received then some licence applications can be decided by a publicly held Licensing Sub-Committee.

Worcester City Council’s Licensing and Environmental Health Committee Vice-Chair, Councillor Karen Holmes, said: “The statement sets out the general approach that the Council will take to gambling licensing during the next three years.

“While each application is decided on its merits, the statement outlines the requirements that the Council expects any gambling operator to comply with.

“You can give your views on the City Council’s updated Statement of Principles and take part in the consultation at

The consultation will run until 26 August and any comments received will be considered by the Council before it publishes a revised Statement of Principles.

To see the document and make a comment, visit Anyone without internet access can access information about the consultation at the Guildhall in High Street or call 01905 722233 to request a printed copy.

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