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Supporting rough sleepers at Christmas

Published: 18 December 2023

With Christmas nearly here, Worcester City Council is asking residents to let them know if they spot anyone sleeping rough on the city's streets.

Anyone who does see a rough sleeper is urged to tell the Streetlink service. Streetlink will pass the details through to the Council and its partners, who will then find the rough sleeper to check if they are already getting help. If they are not, support – including accommodation – will be offered.

The City Council works closely with charities and health organisations to help rough sleepers and those at risk of homelessness, and shelters will be opening in the city and county for rough sleepers over the Christmas period, 23-27 December.

They are operated on the City Council's behalf by its contractor CCP (Caring for Communities & People), who also open the shelters at times of severe weather, under the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP).

Councillor Jabba Riaz, Chair of the City Council's Communities Committee, said: "The City Council and its partners work hard to support and accommodate rough sleepers and people at risk of homelessness, and I am pleased that we are able to provide them with shelters this festive season, where they can enjoy the celebrations.

"Despite all the services available, you may sometimes still see people on the street. If you spot rough sleepers in Worcester, please contact Streetlink at so that we can arrange support for them."

Worcester residents can support homeless people by making donations to the registered charity partners that work with the City Council to help and support rough sleepers:

Find out more about how Worcester City Council is working to help rough sleepers and how the public can help.

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