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New facilities to help people recycle ‘on the go’

Published: 23 September 2019

 Worcester City Council has introduced eye-catching new recycling stations in four of the city's most popular locations, in a bid to cut down on littering and help people to recycle more when they are out and about.

The new recycling facilities were installed in Fort Royal Park, Gheluvelt Park, Cripplegate Park and the Riverside last week.They have strong branding and clear signage in a bid to improve the quality of recycling and reduce contamination.

Plastic bottles, food and drink cans, paper, glass and cartons can all be deposited at the new recycling points – a list of recyclable materials is prominently displayed on them.

"Most Worcester residents are adept at recycling their waste at home, and have a strong awareness of the need reduce the overall amount of waste thrown away.We are now making it easier for people to recycle more when they are out and about too," says Cllr Andy Stafford, Vice Chair of the Environment Committee.

"We also hope that these eye-catching new facilities will encourage persistent offenders to do the right thing and dispose of their litter properly.There is absolutely no excuse for throwing rubbish on the ground – let's make sure our parks and open spaces remain beautiful havens for people and for wildlife."

The City Council will be closely monitoring usage of the three new recycling stations, with a view to installing others across the city if their introduction is successful.Staff will be monitoring recycling rates, contamination levels and littering around the Recycling on the Go stations.Views will be sought from members of the public and Friends groups for Fort Royal and Gheluvelt Park.

In March 2020 Worcester City Council's Environment Committee will review the feedback and discuss whether to introduce more recycling points in other city locations.

Find out more about recycling and waste reduction in Worcester. 

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