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New defibrillator for Cripplegate Park

Published: 07 August 2019

A new defibrillator with the potential to save lives has been installed in Worcester's Cripplegate Park.

A defibrillator is a machine that sends a high energy electric shock through the heart - the aim is to return a heart to its normal working state if it goes into cardiac arrest.

The Cripplegate Park defibrillator, provided by West Midlands Ambulance Community First Responders, is located on the outer wall of the toilet block, opposite the park's tennis courts.

Hickory's Smokehouse restaurant, which opened last year and is located next to the park, donated £600 towards the costs. Further financial support was also provided by Worcester City Council.

The Friends of Cripplegate Park and the Cripplegate Consortium of Bowlers have campaigned to secure the lifesaving equipment for the popular city centre location.

"Early defibrillation is essential in saving a person's live. Without treatment during the first 60 seconds, the victim's chance of survival will be reduced by ten per cent," says Heather Stone, a volunteer for West Midlands Ambulance Community First Responders.

"Thanks to all the partners who have made this happen, especially Hickory's Smokehouse for their kind donation.

"Defibrillators can and do save lives – we are delighted to have installed one in this popular city centre park."

Community First Responders are teams of volunteers who are trained by West Midlands Ambulance Service to a nationally recognised level and provide lifesaving treatment to people in their local communities.

The Cripplegate defibrillator is registered with The Circuit, the national defibrillator network.

Anyone who sees someone suffering from a cardiac arrest can call 999 and find out the location of the nearest defibrillator. 

Cripplegate defibrillator

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