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Electoral Register

Every year, we check the electoral register is up to date so that everyone who has the right to vote in upcoming elections can have their say.

Between July and October 2023 each household in Worcester will be receiving a letter asking if the details on the electoral register are correct.

Please read the letter carefully and respond if required; some letters will only need you to let us know of any changes, some forms will need you to confirm whether the information is correct.

The quickest way to respond is by going to the household response website - you will need the security codes printed on your forms to use this website. Alternatively, you can post the letter back to us with any written changes or use the telephone or text numbers provided on the letter.

If we do not receive a response from the household by the deadline written on the letter you may receive a reminder telephone call, email or knock on your door from the Electoral Services Team. If you are at all unsure if these communications are genuine, please contact us separately before responding.

How do I get my name on the Electoral Register?

The quickest way to register is online

Please visit and follow the instructions to register online.

PLEASE NOTE: You will need to supply your national insurance number and date of birth during this process.

If you cannot register online please contact us using the details below. Please provide your address and the names of anyone eligible to register. We will then post registration forms out to you.

How do I change my name on the Register?

You will need to inform the Electoral Services team of your new name, they will need to send you a form which must be completed. You will also need to provide evidence, usually a marriage certificate or deed poll, but please do not send any original documents as they cannot be returned by post. If you vote by post and your signature has changed you will also need to re-apply for a postal vote otherwise you risk your ballot papers being rejected.

Register of Electors

The Register of Electors (Electoral Roll) is a list of all the people eligible to vote who reside in the area. The Register of Electors is published on the 1st December each year and is in force for the following twelve months.

There are two versions of the electoral register - the full register and the edited register.

The Full Register

The Full Register - lists everyone who is entitled to vote. The register can be viewed under supervision at the council offices, you may only make handwritten notes, you must not use the information for commercial or marketing purposes, you may only be able to view the register for a limited time. Please note the Register is ordered by address only and is not searchable by name. Only certain people and organisations can have copies of the full register, and they can only use it for specified purposes. These include electoral purposes, the prevention and detection of crime and checking your identity when you apply for financial arrangements. The law says who can have a copy of the full register and what they can use it for.

Details of others who can have copies of the full register and what they can use it for are given in the Representation of the People (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2002 (SI 2002 No.1871). It is a criminal offence not to comply with the regulations. For example, it is a criminal offence either to pass the full register on to anyone or to use it for any purpose, except as allowed by the regulations. These regulations are available on the internet at or you can buy a copy from The Stationery Office Ltd.

The Edited Register

The Edited Register - leaves out the names and addresses of people who have asked for their names to be excluded from that version of the register. The edited register can be bought by anyone who asks for a copy and they may use it for any purpose. There are prescribed fees for the purchase of this register. To purchase this register please contact the electoral services office on 01905 722530 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can choose whether to opt-out at the time of registering. Or you can change your preference any time by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., please include your full name and registered address in your email.

Who is eligible to vote?

In order to be included on the Register of Electors you need to be:-

  • a resident at a qualifying address in the area

  • aged 18 years or over

  • not subject to any legal incapacity to vote (age apart)

  • one or more of the following:

  • a British, Commonwealth, Irish or other European Union citizen

  • an overseas elector

  • a member of HM Forces or the spouse of a member of HM Forces

  • a Crown servant employed outside the United Kingdom

European citizens are allowed to vote in European and Local Elections only.

Overseas Electors are allowed to vote in Parliamentary and European Elections only.

The eligible European Union states are:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Why should I register?

  • If you do not register then you cannot exercise your democratic right to vote in any election.
  • Financial institutions use the Register of Electors for credit reference purposes and if you are not included you may find it difficult to obtain credit, open a bank account, purchase a contract mobile phone, or get a mortgage.
  • It is your responsibility to register and it is an offence to fail to do so. You can be fined up to £1,000 for failing to return your Annual Canvass form.

How can I view the Register?

The electoral register is available for public inspection under supervision.

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions there may not always be someone available to supervise your inspection so please arrange an appointment before visiting by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The inspection will take place at:

Worcester City Council
The Guildhall
High Street

What if I am unable to get to the polling station on election day?

If you are unable to go to your Polling Station on Election Day, you can apply to vote by post or apply to vote by proxy (a proxy is someone who votes on your behalf).

Information on postal and proxy voting, including how to apply

Petition Notice – Verification Number

Each year we have to publish the verification number which is used to determine if petitions asking us to change our governance arrangement are valid. pdf View the Petition Notice (26 KB) .