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2024 Parliamentary General Election

Parliamentary General Election 4 July 2024

On Thursday 4 July 2024 the Parliamentary Election will be held to elect a Member of Parliament for Worcester.







Liberal Democrat



Marc Leslie

Conservative Party



Labour Party


Mark Patrick

Trade Unionist and
Socialist Coalition


Social Democratic




Reform UK




Green Party - -


Votes Cast

Spoiled Papers






For information about standing in these elections as a candidate please go to the Information for Candidates page.

Electoral notices

Voter ID

For elections in England, all electors voting in-person at a polling station will need to show photo identification before they are given a ballot paper.

There are over 20 forms of photo ID that can be used. A full list of of photo ID types can be found at the Electoral Commission website.

Please note that photocopies or digital forms of ID cannot be used. Workplace or Student IDs are not accepted unless they are also PASS accredited.

If you are voting as a proxy on behalf of another elector, you will need to bring your ID, not the original elector's ID.

Expired documents are acceptable, as long as it looks like you.

The name on the ID must match your name on the electoral register. If you have changed your name, please contact us as soon as possible to update the register (details below). On polling day, if your name has changed, you can take supporting evidence to a polling station, such as a marriage certificate or change of name deed.

If you do not have a form of accepted ID, or if you are not sure whether your photo ID still looks like you, you can apply for a free voter ID document, known as a Voter Authority Certificate. Voter Authority Certificate Applications can be made online or contact us for a paper form, or apply in-person at customer services at the Guildhall in High St.

Important dates for electors

  • 10 June – This is the latest date by which we will give public notice of who is standing for election in Worcester.
  • 18 June 11:59pm – Registration deadline. If you are not registered to vote or have recently moved, you should register to vote online or contact us for a paper form as soon as possible.
  • 19 June 5pm – Postal vote application deadline. Completed applications must have reached the City Council election team by 5pm. You can apply for postal votes online or download a paper form from the same website, or the City Council can post a form to you on request. We can accept forms sent via email if the application is complete and legible. This is also the deadline date for changes to, or cancellations of, both postal and proxy votes.
  • 26 June 5pm – Proxy vote application deadline. Completed applications for new proxies must have reached the City Council by 5pm. You can apply for some types of proxy votes online or download a paper form from the same website, or we can post a form to you on request. We can accept images of paper forms sent via email if the application is complete and legible.
  • 26 June 5pm – Voter Authority Certificate application deadline. Voter Authority Certificate Applications can be made online or paper forms are available by contacting us. You can also come to the Customer Services Centre at the Guildhall for help with your application.
  • 28 June – If you have lost your postal vote, or it was not delivered, you should contact us immediately, but this is the first date we are permitted to issue replacements.
  • 4 July – Election Day. Polling stations open from 7am and close at 10pm. If you are in the polling station, or in a queue outside it, by 10pm you will be able to apply for a ballot paper.

Postal voters

There are new rules regarding handing in postal votes.

If you have applied for, and been granted, a postal vote you will not be able to vote in-person at a polling station. You should treat the ballot paper as if it had been given to you in-person, keep your vote secret and don’t let anyone influence you to vote against your will.

If you make a mistake on your ballot paper, or with any part of your postal pack, please do not destroy it. Contact us as soon as possible and explain what has gone wrong. If it is an issue with the envelopes or the Postal Voting Statement, we may be able to explain how to solve the issue. If the issue is with the ballot paper, you may need to return it to us and be issued with a new one.

If your postal vote has not arrived, or has since been misplaced or destroyed, it is considered “lost”. We can reissue lost postal votes but are only permitted to do so between Friday 28 June and 5pm Thursday 4 July.

Please contact us as soon as possible to inform us that your postal vote pack is lost, do not wait until 28 June to do so.

Polling stations

Your polling station will be shown on your poll card. You can also look up your polling station by entering your postcode.

If you have lost your poll card and do not know which polling station you should attend, please email us to ask and include your name and address.


All polling stations are accessible to disabled voters. At some venues this requires the installation of temporary ramps to buildings that are not otherwise accessible. In rare cases, voters with large, motorised wheelchairs may experience difficulty entering the polling station. If this occurs, please speak to the member of polling station staff who will be assisting voters at the door or use the provided doorbell to call for assistance.

Voters with disabilities may choose to bring a companion to the polling station to assist them. Your companion can be anyone you choose over the age of 18. A companion may assist up to two people at each election and will need to fill out a short form provided to them by polling station staff.

Blind or partially sighted voters may choose to make use of the large print ballot papers as a reference or use a tactile voting template that fits over the ballot paper, or they may ask a companion or polling station staff to assist them. You may also have your own reading aids, such as electronic magnifiers or an app on your phone, which you can use.

Other equipment to aid or provide comfort is available at each polling station, this includes additional seating, a lower voting booth, ballot paper magnifiers, rubber grips for the pencils, and additional lighting in the voting booth. There are also easy read guides on voting available which can be found here:

If there are further materials, equipment, or accommodations you would like us to provide, please contact us.

How to vote in-person or by post

The City Council cannot tell you who to vote for but can help explain how the voting process works. You can contact us or ask polling station staff for help at any time.

  • If you are a postal voter, your postal vote pack will contain a set of instructions that you should read carefully before filling anything in. You will need to check that your details are correct on the postal voting statement, including that the ballot paper number matches the one printed on the ballot paper, then write your date of birth (not the current date) on the Postal Voting Statement and sign within the box.
  • If you are voting in-person you should attend your polling station between 7am and 10pm on Thursday 4 July. Your polling station will be listed on your poll card. You will need to give the polling station staff your name and address. There is no need to bring your poll card with you, it may help speed up the process but you will still be asked to confirm your name and address. You will then be asked to show your photo ID.
  • If you are voting by proxy for another elector at a polling station, please tell the staff this and give them the original elector’s name and address first, they will then ask for your details and your photo ID. If you are also casting your own vote, you may be asked to do this before casting your proxy vote.
  • The ballot papers will be the same if you are voting in-person or by post. It will have the candidates for the election listed alphabetically and a box by each candidate for you to make your choice. You can vote for only one candidate so please clearly mark a single box only on this ballot paper. You can use pen or pencil and make any clear mark, although a cross is traditional. Please do not write any messages or put your personal details on the ballot paper otherwise it may not be counted.
  • If voting by post, seal the completed ballot paper in the envelope marked Ballot Paper Envelope (Envelope A) and then seal this and the Postal Voting Statement in the envelope marked Postal Voting Pack (Envelope B), making sure the statement is positioned with the return address showing through the window. Post this back to us as soon as possible. You can hand it in to the Guildhall or at a polling station within Worcester City, but please note the new rules in the Postal voters’ section above.
  • In the polling station, fold the ballot paper over so your vote cannot be seen. Show the back of the ballot paper to the staff and put it into the ballot box.
  • If at any point you make a mistake on the ballot paper, tell the polling station staff, or contact us, before posting them back or placing them in the ballot box.

Accidents and emergencies

If something happens after the proxy deadline of 5pm 26 June that prevents you from voting at your polling station, you may be able to apply for an emergency proxy at The Electoral Commission website along with the relevant forms, or we can print paper copies for you.

Please note, in some situations, e.g. if you are in hospital, you will still need to be able to sign the form and someone, perhaps a nurse or doctor, will need to sign to support your application.

The City Council must have received the completed form to our office by 5pm on polling day, legible images of the completed forms can be emailed to us.

Please remember that your named proxy must be registered and eligible to vote, must not already be a proxy for two other people (or four if at least two of them are registered to vote from abroad), must be able to get to your polling station, and must have their own photo ID.

Contacting us

The best way to contact us is by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please include your name, address, and your query.

You can also call us on 01905 722530.


View the FAQs about registering and voting at elections.