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Housing Benefit & Council Tax Support

Welfare Reform Information - Benefit Changes

This page is to keep you up to date of all current changes to Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support legislation.

Welfare Reform

The government has made big changes to the welfare system, for people of working age (if you are of pension age, then you won't be affected by most of these changes). The aim is to make the system simpler and to make sure that there is a minimum standard of living for everyone by incentivising people back into work.

Changes to benefits for mixed-aged couples

Single people who claim benefits move from working-age benefits to pension age benefits, once they reach State Pension age.

People who were part of a mixed-aged couple could previously choose which means-tested benefits to claim once the older partner of the couple reached State Pension age.

From the 15 May 2019, for a mixed-aged couple that claims both working-age and State Pension benefits, the pensioner partner will not be subject to work-based conditions.

If you are in a mixed-age couple and already in receipt of Pension Credit or pension-age Housing Benefit, you will remain unaffected.

Further information about this change is available on GOV.UK.

Under Occupation in Social Housing (sometimes referred to as 'bedroom tax' or 'spare room subsidy')

From April 2013 your Housing Benefit could be reduced if your home is considered to be too big. You will not be affected by this if you are of pension age.

This may apply to you if you have one or more bedrooms than you need. If this applies to you your Housing Benefit entitlement will be reduced by 14% for one spare bedroom, or 25% for two or more spare bedrooms.

Council Tax Reduction Scheme

In some circumstances, you may be eligible for Council Tax reduction. You can find out more in our pdf Council Tax Reduction Scheme (1.19 MB)  Factsheet.

Housing Benefit

You can read our online section on housing benefit or visit for the latest information about changes to the housing benefit system.

Further information on the changes can be found on the DWP website.